Most Fashionable Eyewear Spotted on Instagram This Week 2017 Influencer Celebrities Street Style

Most Fashionable Eyewear Spotted on Instagram This Week

With the heat overtaking our fashion choices in summer, let’s see what the world of fashion influencers and celebrities are wearing to look as cool as a breeze on a summer day. Here are our top favourites!


A post shared by nadia lee cohen (@nadialeelee) on

@Nadia Lee Cohen in Fendi

@Internetgirl  in futuristic oval reflective glasses

A post shared by Romee Strijd (@romeestrijd) on

@romeestrijd in Le Specs x Adam Selman sunglasses

A post shared by Bella Hadid (@bellahadid) on

@bellahadid in PRIVÉ REVAUX

A post shared by Jean Ndjoli (@ndjolijean) on

@ndjolijean in Blyszak Eyewear

@francesca_colucci in FAKBYFAK

August 15, 2017